Feb 25 2025 22 mins 1
In Part 2 of this haunted Royal Family series, we’re getting into more connections that the Royal Family has with the paranormal!
We’re chatting about séances, bad omens, questionable witness statements, and a possible involvement in a super-secret government UFO program?
📚 Sounds From Another Room, by Sir Peter Horsley
📚 Whisperers: The Secret History Of The Spirit World by J. H. Brennan
📚 Spare by Prince Harry
📚 The King Of UFOs: Royal UFO Secrets Revealed by Mark Christopher Lee
📚 Haunted Royal Homes by Joan Forman
💻 https://www.theroyalobserver.com/p/haunting-anmer-hall-prince-william-kate-middleton-ghost
💻 https://www.theroyalobserver.com/p/queen-elizabeth-ghost-haunting-windsor-castle
💻 http://anomalyinfo.com/Stories/1881-july-11-king-george-v-sees-phantom-ship
💻 https://www.rct.uk/visit/buckingham-palace/who-built-buckingham-palace
💻 https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/briefing-guide-12-07-12.pdf
💻 https://www.royalparks.org.uk/visit/parks/st-jamess-park/history
💻 https://www.historichouses.org/house/sandringham/history/
💻 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14193597.smelly-spook-haunts-house/
💻 https://wmag.culturewarrington.org/2014/08/13/queen-victorias-clairvoyant/
📺 The King Of UFOs, Amazon Prime
Instagram - https://instagram.com/dontscareclaire/
I don’t claim ownership of all the extracts, including images, videos and audio, featured in this video. I will include material according to the Creative Commons CC0 licensing, or according to fair usage on the basis that I’m reporting, educating, or providing commentary or critique.
Photo Credits: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18-7DP-R7VAyI1s8uFFRgnsmgJ1nSWGPc3pInX4f8P-g/edit?usp=sharing
My whole aim for this channel is to educate and entertain you lovely people, using accurate factual information and personal experiences to the best of my knowledge. I spend hours and hours on the research for each one of my videos, using sources that I like to think are trustworthy. But let’s face it, no one’s perfect, and when you’re dealing with anything in history, especially the paranormal, mistakes will happen. If you’re interested, I’d highly recommend you do your own research, and if I have made a mistake, please tell me about it!