Six of Wands: What does this tarot card mean anyway?

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Feb 18 2025 53 mins   3
The Six of Wands shows us a hero returning from some kind of victory — or this is celebrating his promotion or raise in status. No matter whether this is earned or if it is stolen valor, this card shows someone riding high in life. This is what it is like to be popular, in demand, and having people cheering you on. This can be a moment in time, like when you receive your diploma at the graduation ceremony for college, or the announcement that you are “employee of the month.” But this can be an event, a circumstance, or an environment. That means that the 6 of Wands as a tarot card in a spread can represent something that is lasting or something that comes and is gone before you are ready for it to fade. The 6 of Wands doesn’t tell us what you are popular or famous for, only that you are. Also, it does not tell us how long you are famous. For these answers you need to carefully examine the tarot spread you cast, and compare that to the question you asked. Also, this card shows how exposed you are. As unfair as it is, when you are riding in life, far above the common masses, you are like the United States President John F. Kennedy riding in a convertible in Dallas Texas in November of 1963. His head made an easy target for an assassin’s bullet. And as horrific as that event was, it remains a stain on United States history. But this card shows the moment before it all happened, including that guy in the back of the parade who is not happy that someone else gets to ride on a house while he has to walk. This card is both a celebration of popularity and a warning not to trample on others. If you are the only person on a horse, it is your job not to step on people, not their job to move out of your way. There is not a lot of depth to this particular card, but its secrets can be teased out through careful observation and deep rumination. Come join our mystery school at and learn ALL of the secrets of the tarot — not just the superficial ones we reveal to the public. This is a lifelong skill you will benefit from. And we are here to show you the hidden pathways. Tarot card Keywords for study: hero, victory celebration, parade, fanfare, high horse, leader, returning hero, being on display, praise, promotion, equestrian show, horses, dressage, virility, sexual prowess, machismo, boasting, narcissism, influence, popularity, social influencer, going viral