Mar 03 2024 81 mins 1
Kofi Adu-Boahen is pastor of Redeemer Bible Fellowship in Medford, Oregon. Kofi has been with us several times, and returns once again, this time to talk about Law and Gospel.
Outline of the Discussion
- The Gospel is at the center of our Christian lives. Without understanding the relationship between the Gospel and the Law of God, we lose the sweetness of the Gospel.
- This discussion is based on the book A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, by John Colquhoun (pronounced Ko-hoon.) Colquhoon was a 19th century Scottish pastor influenced by a group that was concerned about legalism in the church.
- We look at three aspects of law. First is the moral Law, or Natural Law. Next is the Law as given to Adam. Third is the Law as is in the hand of Christ.
- We don't do what the Law requires to merit eternal life, but rather in gratitude for His Grace.
- The Law of Moses is handled separately from the previously mentioned aspects of Law. It had elements of both the Law given to Adam and Grace.
- Chapter 5 of Colquhoon's book gets into what the Gospel really is.
- The Gospel is presented in both a broad sense, and a narrow sense. In the broader sense, everything that Christ and the Apostles taught was “the Gospel.” It's really a mix of the Law and the Gospel. In the narrower sense, the Gospel is the explanation of the good news.
- In the strictest sense, every command of God is a Law.
- The Law is subservient to the Gospel.
- The Law is not the Gospel, and the Gospel is not the Law. Ignorance of the difference promotes a self-righteous character.
- An understanding of the Gospel is not, by nature, antinomian
- “We weren't saved by Christ, to be sanctified by Moses.” “The way in is the way along.”
- Motivation is the master of Reason.
Scriptures Referenced
- James 2:10
- Romans 2
- Exodus 19-20; 24:8
- Deuteronomy 16
- 2 Corinthians 3
- John 1:17
- Luke 2:10-11
- Titus 2
- Colossians 2:6
- Romans 6
Additional Resources
- A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel – Free Book