Jul 31 2024 43 mins 1
Neste episódio do Eduquê falamos a Palestina, o conflito israelo-palestiniano e o direito à educação, tendo por base o trabalho de pesquisa desenvolvido pela nossa convidada. Partindo de uma breve contextualização histórica, abordamos o passado, e o presente do território Palestiniano (ou palestino, como se diz no Brasil).
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Eduquê in English:
In this episode of Eduquê, we discuss Palestine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the right to education, drawing on the research conducted by our guest. We begin with a brief historical context and then explore the past and present of the Palestinian territory.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Eduqu%C3%AA-Podcast/61559866073821/
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Email: [email protected]
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Eduqu%C3%AA-Podcast/61559866073821/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eduque.podcast/
Twitter: @EduquePodcast
Email: [email protected]
Eduquê in English:
In this episode of Eduquê, we discuss Palestine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the right to education, drawing on the research conducted by our guest. We begin with a brief historical context and then explore the past and present of the Palestinian territory.
Enjoying Eduquê? Share your thoughts with us!
Website: https://freshedpodcast.com/eduque/about/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Eduqu%C3%AA-Podcast/61559866073821/
Twitter: @EduquePodcast
Email: [email protected]