Oct 18 2024 30 mins 1
Neste episódio do Eduquê falamos sobre migrações, alterações climáticas e educação. A nossa conversa aborda A nossa convidada, partindo do caso da Guiné-Bissau, mostra como as populações costeiras e insulares deste país continuam a preferir não migrar, mesmo quando confrontadas com os efeitos das mudanças climáticas e da degradação ambiental.
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Eduquê in English:
Eduquê #45 - Cláudia Santos - migration, climate change and education
In this episode of Eduquê, we dive into migration, climate change, and education. Our guest highlights the situation in Guinea-Bissau, where coastal and island communities often choose not to migrate, despite the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation.
Access the paper here:
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Eduquê in English:
Site: https://freshedpodcast.com/eduque/about/
Twitter: @EduquePodcast
Email: [email protected]
Eduquê in English:
Eduquê #45 - Cláudia Santos - migration, climate change and education
In this episode of Eduquê, we dive into migration, climate change, and education. Our guest highlights the situation in Guinea-Bissau, where coastal and island communities often choose not to migrate, despite the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation.
Access the paper here:
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