Jan 24 2025 266 mins 1
Episode 76 of 'The Open Forum' where Christians, Atheists are invited to join the discussion. Guests will be invited on a first come first serve basis. Please note we can only have a maximum of 10 panelists (including efdawah panelists) at any one time.
Link to join the panel:
TEARS OF GAZA Donation Link: https://givebrite.com/gazacrisis
© 2024 EFDawah All Rights Reserved
Website : https://efdawah.com/
00:00 - Intro
01:06 - EF Dawah Panel join: Format of the Stream
16:46 - Igor joins: Explanation of Qur'an vs Science
19:41 - Claim about scientific error in Qur'an 30:9
21:12 - The Qur'an: Exegesis & Scientific interpretation
22:00 - Discussion on the Meaning of Qur'an 30:9
28:49 - Examining the beliefs of Igor about Islam
30:55 - Dawah to Igor
39:23 - Brother Igor takes his Shahadah
41:09 - Igor shares his Journey to Islam
41:59 - Welcoming Igor as a New Muslim
42:41 - Br. Farid joins
48:02 - Mathew (Christian) joins
49:01 - Name of God in the Bible vs the Qur'an
51:12 - No Sacred name of God in Christianity
1:32:44 - Frodo (Ex-Muslim) joins
1:33:53 - Claim regarding hadith about Ajwa dates
1:35:45 - Understanding the hadith about Ajwa dates
1:37:47 - Spiritual protection vs dangers of physical harm
1:39:56 - Debate on the meaning & context of the hadith
1:43:49 - Arabic proficiency is essential for understanding hadith
1:47:18 - Analysis of the meanings of the hadith
1:51:04 - Discourse on the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ
1:53:14 - Translations & interpretations of the hadith
1:57:44 - Discussion on the health benefits of Ajwa dates
2:03:30 - Refuting the claims against Muhammad ﷺ
2:07:02 - Various interpretation of the hadith
2:09:53 - Frodo's reasons for leaving Islam
2:11:16 - Issues with Frodo's reasons
2:13:19 - Veracity of Islamic beliefs & its history
2:14:46 - Debunking the claims of Sl@very in Islam
2:20:44 - Wisdom of prohibition of Free mixing in Islam
2:22:51 - Personal morality vs divine command in Islam
2:25:29 - Debate on the morality of sl@very in various contexts
2:33:00 - Discussing historical sl@very practices & Islamic reforms
2:39:31 - Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ impact on slavery & slave rights
2:42:38 - Advice to Frodo: Issues with his arguments
2:45:41 - Message to Frodo
2:47:09 - Review of the discussion with Frodo
2:48:00 - William (Christian) joins
2:51:22 - Discourse on proving the Veracity of Islam
2:53:51 - Discussion on the nature of miracles
2:57:23 - Various Proofs for the Truth of Islam
2:59:08 - The Qur'an's inimitability proves its divine origin
3:00:58 - Reasons for the Qur'an being Miraculous
3:02:17 - Evidences for the credibility of Islam
3:06:17 - Giving Dawah by Critiquing the Bible
3:08:08 - Comparing Islamic vs Christian Polemics
3:10:45 - Arguments for Islam & Refuting Christianity
3:14:12 - Islamic & christian scholars' position on the Bible
3:21:36 Discussion on the reliability and corruption of biblical texts.
3:23:52 Debate on scholarly consensus regarding Bible corruption.
3:27:55 Debate on the preservation and authenticity of Biblical texts.
3:29:58 The Bible is divinely inspired yet written by humans.
3:34:12 Discussion on scholarly authority surrounding Sh. Ali and misconceptions.
3:36:38 Biblical manuscripts limit the reconstruction of earlier texts.
3:39:57 - Witts (Christian) joins
3:40:34 - What Nullifies T