Agustín Alonso y Ana Relaño viajan por Túnez y Sicilia con una lista de crónicas viajeras, novelas, cuentos y películas. Guy de Maupassant, Robert D. Kaplan, Lampedusa, Livia de Stefani, Yamen Manai, Simonetta Agnello Hornby o Dacia Maraini son algunos de los autores que forman la lista de un viaje cultural por dos países que han viajado de la mano a lo largo de la historia.
Música de la cabecera: "You're Still There" - Vincent Vega // Otros temas: "Pillow Tears" - Cospe / "Desert Footsteps" - Sight of Wonders / "Native Land" - Dream Cave / "Oudstock" - Yinon Muallem / "The Sands of Time" - Rymdklang Soundtracks / "Approaching the Middle East" - Sight of Wonders / "Gladiator Arena" - Max Anson / "Remembered Past" - Sight of Wonders / "Sada" - Sada Trio / "A Healing Component" - Spectacles Wallet and Watch / "Arcane Happenings" - Eden Avery / "Heart of Sicily" - Trabant 33 / "Domenica Buonanotte" - Trabant 33 / "In the Ruins of Etna" - Trabant 33 // Courtesy of
Música de la cabecera: "You're Still There" - Vincent Vega // Otros temas: "Pillow Tears" - Cospe / "Desert Footsteps" - Sight of Wonders / "Native Land" - Dream Cave / "Oudstock" - Yinon Muallem / "The Sands of Time" - Rymdklang Soundtracks / "Approaching the Middle East" - Sight of Wonders / "Gladiator Arena" - Max Anson / "Remembered Past" - Sight of Wonders / "Sada" - Sada Trio / "A Healing Component" - Spectacles Wallet and Watch / "Arcane Happenings" - Eden Avery / "Heart of Sicily" - Trabant 33 / "Domenica Buonanotte" - Trabant 33 / "In the Ruins of Etna" - Trabant 33 // Courtesy of