Apr 27 2023 11 mins 2
Exploring what's a new book on Edge AI from Daniel Situnayake and Jenny Plunkett, a kit from TouchNetix with force-sensing mechanics alongside traditional touch sensing, some micro retro computers for the engineer in your life (or yourself) and much, much more!
In this episode, Stuart Cording, The Electronics Reporter, looks at:
[00:00] Intro to the show!
[00:40] New book "AI at the Edge" for embedded machine learning - https://www.edgeimpulse.com/blog/solving-real-world-problems-with-embedded-machine-learning-ai-at-the-edge-by-daniel-situnayake-and-jenny-plunkett
[01:50] Improvements to SuperGuard from Solid Sands for C library testing - https://solidsands.com/products/superguard
[01:48] Ditch your fruit pie for a ROCK 5A SBC - https://www.okdo.com/rock-5a-signup/
[02:58] Don't just monitor - log your power consumption with the Voltcraft SEM5000 - https://www.conrad.de/de/p/voltcraft-sem5000-energiekosten-messgeraet-kostenprognose-alarmfunktion-stromtarif-einstellbar-datenloggerfunktion-2587314.html
[03:58] This show was sponsored by Espressif, creator of the ESP32-C3 (https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32-c3). This single-core Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) microcontroller SoC is based on the open-source RISC-V architecture. It strikes the right balance of power, I/O capabilities, and security, thus offering the optimal cost-effective solution for connected devices. For powerful AI acceleration, you should consider the ESP32-S3 (https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32-s3). With the same wireless features, it’s designed for AIoT applications thanks to its powerful AI acceleration and reliable security features. It also has added support for vector instructions in the MCU, speeding up neural network computing and signal processing workloads. For more information, check out the links with this video on the Elektor TV - Industry channel.
[04:47] Explore innovative user interfaces with the TouchNetix AEB - https://www.touchnetix.com/news/touchnetix-launches-the-new-axiom-experience-box/
[05:48] Give your PICkit 2 or 3 a new lease of life with the open-source project PICkit Minus - http://kair.us/projects/pickitminus/index.html?s=09
[06:37] Need IoT help? Then call the IoT Stars as they gather at the Mobile World Congress - https://www.eventbrite.es/e/iot-stars-mwc-2023-tickets-470929501817
[07:19] Understanding impact of environment on antenna performance - https://ignion.io/top-4-environmental-challenges-to-consider-when-designing-your-iot-project/
[08:15] Test more complex components with a new source measurement unit (SMU) from Aim-TTi - https://www.aimtti.com/product-category/source-measure-units
[09:30] Relive the 80s 8-bit home-computing revolution in miniature - https://www.etsy.com/shop/MicroComputersMuseum
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