Feb 29 2024 72 mins 1
In this hour, Dr. Cam talks with artist/painter Maria Ruggiero to learn more about her work habits and motivations for art making. This episode is packed with information you may find useful:
- the process as the reward
- the importance of using quality papers
- referencing the environment when painting
- creating two studio work spaces
- finding time to practice a slow process
- paying attention to the light in the room
- arranging a still life on the floor
- using the camera as a tool
- the value of "traditional" approaches to art making
- painting what inspires you most
As the podcast concludes Maria shares five tips for those striving to be artists. Tip #3: Be willing to let something "go" if it is not engaging your interest. There's some good stuff here folks. If you are as intrigued by Maria's work as I am, follow her on Instagram to stay up-to-date with her most current work. You can also watch the video of our conversation on my website. I hope you enjoy listening.