Berlanga, Bardem, Saura, Bartolomé... Huge names in the world of Spanish cinema with one thing in common: they went to school together. The Escuela Oficial de Cine is where the great minds of Spanish cinema learned their craft, in the time period from the late 40s to the 70s. That is, under the dictatorship, which was notorious for its censorship and control over artistic expression. However, the Film School managed to garner a reputation as a "nido de rojos" (nest of reds). The Spanish Film Institute is nown holding an exhibition about the school, titled Los 100 metros libres. Vida y milagros de la Escuela de Cine, featuring items from its expansive archive, an archive that has been named an asset of cultural interest. In today's broadcast, we hear all about it from Noelia Sastre, head of film-related materials of the Spanish Film Insitute.