Feb 23 2025 58 mins

I’m taking a recording break for a few weeks. It’s a good time to take a hiatus and rest my mind and soul to prevent burnout. In the meantime, I’m going to post old love notes from 2022. Please enjoy them and know I’ll be back soon enough. I’ll post on social media when I have newly recorded episodes available. Thank you for understanding, and know that these love notes are special and were not available on my podcast feed any longer. I love hearing my older work. So Sweet!
If you would like a listener reading, please email me all your questions along with a little about your situation, including your zodiac signs, and I’ll reply. These episodes are recorded at a slightly lower volume than the show now, so make sure to turn it up! [email protected]
I’ll be back soon!!
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions