Mar 24 2020 48 mins 14
Recording date: 2020-01-28
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Laurie Barth @LaurieOnTech
- Peacock Plugin for vscode instructional video by Laurie Barth
- Jekyll to Gatsby
- Readable Code at ng-Conf by John Papa
- Peacock extension for VS Code
- Meet Laurie at DevIntersection
- Conditional ternary operator
- Flux Capacitor
- Dan Abramov
- an opinion on let vs const
- Optional chainingJavaScript
- Immutability in JavaScript
- Chris Love on let vs const
- BikeShedding
- Linters and Aleksandra Shinkevich on Real Talk JavaScript
- yakshaving
- Comments in code
- More opinions on Comments in Code
- Gatsby documentation and quick start
- Azure