Women are commonly asked, "do you have children?" It's a loaded fact-checking question and the woman's answer hovers as a tenuous balancing point from which they know there are two choices, being met with approval or judged.
In this episode, Sarah talks honestly about the prejudice she faces in being a woman without children. She shares personal stories about her experiences, when and why she's felt most judged, as well as explaining why she's the person you especially want in your life.
Listen in to this episode to understand why society needs to do better. WE need to do better. Sarah's experiences shine a light on how a woman's purpose is viewed, why that can be so damaging, and how everyone can see women as much more than just 'baby machines'.
In This Episode:
- Types of prejudice that childless women face
- The power of challenging assumptions
- Improve your communication with women
- Benefits of non-parental relationships with children
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Episode information
Music by Grant McLachlan
Mentioned in the podcast:
Share the Love - blogpost about pregnancy troubles as the expat
The Miscarriage Association - Support and resources
Tommy's - Baby Loss Support
SANDS - Stillbirth and neonatal death (information/support)
The Child Death Helpline - support regardless of when the loss occurred
Adoption UK - Support and advocacy for those parenting or supporting children who cannot live with their birth parents
New Family Social - information/support for LGBT+ adoptive & foster families
Samaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: [email protected]
The British Psychology Society - Find a Psychologist
Pregnancy Birth and Baby - information and support for parents
Mensline - help, support, referrals and counselling for men
SANDS - Miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death support
Beyond Blue - Mental health support
Headspace - National Youth Mental Health Foundation with support services
The Black Dog Institute - Medical health resources, services and research
SANE Australia - Counselling support, Tel: 1800 187 263 (10am - 10pm)
Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
March of Dimes - Pregnancy Health
The Compassionate Friends - Support for Loss generally
Very Well Family - Support for Pregnancy and Parenting
American Psychologist Association - Psychologist Finder
OR contact medical services in your country.