Episode 165: A STORM OF SWORDS, SANSA II: ”Say Yes to the Dress” ft. Sarah Skilton ?

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Nov 29 2021 82 mins   129
Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire one chapter a week!

In this episode, Cersei gifts Sansa a dress for no nefarious reason whatsoever. Good guy Cersei. Who know!?

This week, we:

- Examine how Cersei continues her manipulation of Sansa -- which Sansa suspects

- Take a close look at the Tyrell cousins, see how they work as a team and yet are still naive

- Analyze Margaery's behavior closely

- See Littlefinger's manipulations and conspiracies via Dontos Hollard

- Talk about Sarah's book Hollywood Ending and whether we'll ever have a Game of Thrones viewing experience again

Next week: new guest Sarah Skilton joins us for ASOS, Sansa II, in which she gets a new dress that is far more than it seems.

Buy Hollywood Ending!: https://www.amazon.com/Hollywood-Ending-Tash-Skilton/dp/1496730674

Sarah's website: http://www.sarahskilton.com/

Sarah's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skiltongram/?hl=en

Sarah's twitter: https://twitter.com/sarah_skilton

Stefan's podcast: https://boiledleatheraudiohour.tumblr.com/

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Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn