Oct 11 2022 28 mins 5
Staff from nursing homes all around the country have gathered outside the Department of Health this afternoon in protest about the pandemic payment. Thousands of employees still haven’t gotten the promised €1,000 for working on the front line throughout the pandemic.
Andrea was joined by Julie McNeela, Household Manager at Aras Mhuire Nursing Facility, Drogheda, Eileen Doyle, Healthcare Assistant at Knockeen Nursing Home, Co Wexford, Jim O' Brien, Chef at Darraglynn Nursing Home, Cork and others to discuss…
Andrea was joined by Julie McNeela, Household Manager at Aras Mhuire Nursing Facility, Drogheda, Eileen Doyle, Healthcare Assistant at Knockeen Nursing Home, Co Wexford, Jim O' Brien, Chef at Darraglynn Nursing Home, Cork and others to discuss…