用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:New Scottish Ultramarathon Will Cost Runners $21,000. 新蘇格蘭超級馬拉松參賽費用達兩萬一千元美金!

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Jul 01 2024 5 mins   1

Are you looking for a new running challenge? How about joining a new Scottish luxury ultramarathon at a cost of over $21,000 per person?
The ultramarathon is called Highland Kings. It starts on the west coast of Scotland on April 25, 2022, and it's a four-day race that crosses more than 190 kilometers of coast, mountains and forests.
Participants will run about 49 kilometers each day and will get to "recover like a king," race director Rebecca Silva told the BBC, enjoying luxury accommodation and cooking by Michelin-star chefs.
Just 40 people can take part in the race, according to the event's website — and training starts early. For seven months starting in October 2021, participants get one-on-one support from different experts, including British ultramarathon champion Jon Albon. Participants also receive new sports clothes and a Garmin MARQ watch.
But what if you think you're not fit enough to join? Don't worry. If you can already run for 30 minutes or cycle for an hour — and have $21,000 to spare, of course — the team is confident you can become a Highland King, the website says.
For those who do complete the race, there's a big dinner party in a castle to celebrate, with British explorer Ranulph Fiennes as a guest speaker.

你是否正在尋找新的慢跑挑戰? 也許,您可以來參加每人要價超過兩萬一千元美金的新蘇格蘭奢華超級馬拉松。這場超級馬拉松的名稱是「高地國王」。 它將在2022年4月25日的蘇格蘭西岸展開,比賽長達四天,橫跨海岸、山脈及森林,總長超過190公里。參賽者每天將跑大約49公里,能夠「如國王般休息」,享受奢華的住宿地點和米其林主廚料理。參與者將獲得專家的一對一指導,還可獲得運動服飾和名牌手錶。

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