用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Underwater Farm Reopens After Pandemic. 海底農場於疫情後再次開放

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Jul 08 2024 5 mins   1

Nemo's Garden, the world's first underwater farm, is again open — one year after it had to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, herbs, tomatoes and strawberries are again growing inside round pods about 8 meters under the sea, just off the coast of Noli in northwest Italy.
The Ocean Reef Group started the underwater garden project in 2012 to find new ways to farm that could help the planet in the future.
The group's six plastic pods are filled with air, but their bottoms are open to the sea. Through natural evaporation, fresh water collects on the insides of the pods, which then goes back down to help plants in the pods grow.
Because the pods aren't very deep under water, the plants still get enough natural light from the sun. There is also little need for pesticides as insects can't get in to destroy the plants.
Ocean Reef Group's Luca Gamberini told Euronews that the plants taste different too. They taste "even stronger," he said.
However, trained divers are needed to swim down and take care of the plants, which makes working on Nemo's Garden a little more complicated than traditional farming.

全球第一座海底農場「尼莫的花園」日前因新冠病毒疫情關閉,一年之後再度開放。這座海底農場義大利西北部諾利海岸附近。六個塑膠吊艙內充滿空氣,但它們的底部向海洋開放。 透過自然蒸發,新鮮的水會聚集在吊艙內部,接著往下流幫助吊艙內的植物生長。因為這些吊艙並沒有在水下很深處,植物仍然能夠從太陽獲得充足的自然光,殺蟲劑也幾乎不需要使用。

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Article: Engoo Daily News

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