用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Survey Finds the World's Most Respected Professions. 全球最受尊敬的職業一覽!

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Jul 15 2024 5 mins   1

A YouGov survey of over 22,000 people in 16 countries has revealed which professions are the most respected around the world.
The survey asked people if they would be happy for their children to work in a number of different jobs. YouGov then gave each profession a score based on the percentage of people who said "yes," minus the percentage of people who said "no."
The highest-scoring profession was scientist, which had an average of +72 points across all 16 countries. Next were doctors, who scored an average of +69 points.
These results might not surprise people, since doctors and scientists have been important in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 18 months.
Other professions that scored highly were architects, who got an average of +67 points, and senior managers in large companies, who got an average of +64. Graphic designers and lawyers were next with +57, with teachers below them at an average of +50.
Jobs with the lowest scores included call center workers, truck drivers and factory workers.
Miners had the lowest score, with an average of -28. However, the job had a score of +17 in Australia, where miners can make a lot of money.


🌏Words & Phrases
senior高階的, 資深的
graphic designer平面設計師

Article: Engoo Daily News
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