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Mount Paran Primitive Baptist Church www.mppbc.com
December 8, 2024 – Elder Bryce Lowrance
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Dec 10 2024
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“Living By Faith” • Hebrews 11:1-3 – Elder Bryce Lowrance.
In Chapter 11, the Apostle continues his encouragement to draw nigh unto God in fellowship rather than drawing back. The chapter begins with an amazing definition of faith. The Hebrew Christians, as well as all born again children of God, possess the Holy Spirit which gives them faith. This intrinsic trust looks for a hope outside of this fallen world. We see in these first few verses that faith allows us to see and believe that the universe was created in order by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And, if this faith is in us, we can use it to live in hope of glory despite the present troubles of life.
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