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Mount Paran Primitive Baptist Church www.mppbc.com
January 19, 2025 – Elder Bryce Lowrance
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Jan 20 2025
Other Episodes
“Abraham” • Hebrews 11:8-10 – Elder Bryce Lowrance.
Abraham was given very little information when God called him to leave his homeland and go to a land that would be shown to him later. He, his son’s family, and his grandson’s family sojourned in that promised land in tents, only owning a small area to bury their dead. Abraham did not presume to lord over God’s promise. He understood that the physical land promised to him and his posterity pointed toward a greater inheritance. So Abraham sought for a heavenly home and is the perfect example for us to walk by faith.Abraham is the perfect example for us. We are to lose more and more sight of this earth so that we can keep our heavenly home in view.
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