Jan 20 2022 36 mins
COVID – 19 – in this episode we
have a conversation with a BAME student about COVID-19 and navigating vet life
as a student at The University of Edinburgh during a global pandemic. We also catch up with the Co-chair of the
university’s EDI Race Equality and Anti-Racist (REAR) Sub-Committee, and talk
openly about what the University is doing to strategically address EDI as a
core priority during these increasingly challenging times.
Chantelle Lee - 4th year vet student
Roxanna Neo - final year vet student
Johanna Holton - Co-chair of UoE EDI Race Equality and Anti-Racist
(REAR) Sub-Committee, to talk openly about what the University is doing to
address EDI
Royal Dick School of Veterinary Medicine – website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/vet
Email: vetug@ed.ac.uk
British Veterinary Ethnicity & Diversity Society (BVEDS) - https://bveds.com/
Race Equality and Anti-Racist Sub-Committee (REAR) -