Another live show coming from my studio to your home via KBOO!
I had a lot more Ennio Morricone than I initially thought when planning this show, so managed to do an entire episode dedicated to the legendary film composer. It was a lot of fun. I managed to split it fairly evenly between his Western soundtracks, 60s weirdness, and his work in Horror and Giallo films, as well as works by others either composed by him or sampled from his compositions. I also played some music from his improvisational group Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza from the 1970s.
Hope you enjoy it!
Playlist (Artist / Song / Release):
Ennio Morricone / The Man With the Harmonica / Once Upon A Time In The West
Depth Charge / Bounty Killers / Nine Deadly Venoms
Apollo 440 / The Man With the Harmonica / Morricone RMX
SET BREAK: March of the Lunatics / The Two Pianos of Leonard Pennario
Ennio Morricone / A Gringo Like Me / Duello nel Texas Soundtrack
Ennio Morricone / The Big Gundown / The Big Gundown OST
Ennio Morricone / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (main theme)
Ennio Morricone / Titoli / A Fistful of Dollars Original Soundtrack
Ennio Morricone / The Ecstasy Of Gold / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly OST
John Zorn / The Sicilian Clan / Naked City
Ennio Morricone / Run, Man, Run / The Big Gundown OST
Fantômas / Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion / The Director’s Cut
Snakefinger / Magic and Ecstasy / Chewing Hides the Sound
Wall of Voodoo / The Morricone Themes / Ring Of Fire (Remix) 12″
Ennio Morricone / Deep Down – Yes Sir, No Sir (dialogue) / Danger: Diabolik
Ennio Morricone / Charading Chauffers In Wait / Danger: Diabolik
Ennio Morricone / Driving Decoys / Danger: Diabolik
Ennio Morricone / Into The Cave / Danger: Diabolik
Ennio Morricone / Diabolik’s Hideout / Danger: Diabolik
Ennio Morricone / Questi Vent’anni Miei / I Malamondo
Ennio Morricone / Mucoli Di Velluto / I Malamondo
SET BREAK – Mucoli Di Velluto Looping
Ennio Morricone / A Gun For Ringo / The Legendary Italian Westerns
Ennio Morricone / Suite II / 4 Mosche Di Velluto Grigio
Ennio Morricone / Bestiality / The Thing OST
Ennio Morricone / Night Flight / Exorcist II: The Heretic (Soundtrack)
Ennio Morricone / Main Theme – Desolation / The Thing OST
Ennio Morricone / Track I / Un Tranquillo Posto Di Campagna OST
Ennio Morricone / Magic And Ecstasy / Exorcist II: The Heretic (Soundtrack)
Ennio Morricone / I Dispari / I Malamondo
Ennio Morricone / Dies Irae Psichedelico / Escalation
Ennio Morricone / SET BREAK – Dies Irae Psichedelico looping / Escalation
Gruppo di Imporvvisazione Nuova Consonanza / Schema 2 / Musica su Schemi
Depth Charge / Bounty Killers II / Nine Deadly Venoms
Shooby Taylor / Outro: Somewhere Over The rainbow / The Human Horn