Chapter 14.3 : Of Saving Faith; 15.1-2 Of Repentance Unto Life and Salvation LBCF

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Mar 02 2025 61 mins  
Paragraph 3

This faith, although it be in different stages, and may be weak or strong,11 yet it is in the least degree of it different in the kind or nature of it, as is all other saving grace, from the faith and common grace of temporary believers;12 and therefore, though it may be many times assailed and weakened, yet it gets the victory,13 growing up in many to the attainment of a full assurance through Christ,14 who is both the author and finisher of our faith.15

11 Heb. 5:13–14; Matt. 6:30; Rom. 4:19–20
12 2 Pet. 1:1
13 Eph. 6:16; 1 John 5:4–5
14 Heb. 6:11–12; Col. 2:2
15 Heb. 12:2

Chapter 15

Paragraph 1

Such of the elect that are converted at riper years, having sometime lived in the state of nature, and therein served divers pleasures, God in their effectual calling gives them repentance to life.1

1 Titus 3:2–5

Paragraph 2

Whereas there is none that does good and does not sin,2 and the best of men may, through the power and deceitfulness of their corruption dwelling in them, with the prevalency of temptation, fall in to great sins and provocations; God has, in the covenant of grace, mercifully provided that believers so sinning and falling be renewed through repentance unto salvation.3

2 Eccles. 7:20
3 Luke 22:31–32