In this episode, Dana describes what Executive Functioning is and explains the command center she created as a strategy to help her son.
Be sure to go to Dana's Pinterest board, Autism Stack of Stuff, to find the article she mentioned.
She also will do a virtual video tour of the command center on her AngelBlog so be sure to check that out!
Dana is the owner of AngelArts, a Creative Arts Agency and Publishing House. Seven years ago, she discovered that her son and husband both have Aspergers. It's opened up a whole new world for her and her family. Yes, there are incredible challenges, but she chooses to see how God has blessed her family through it.
Her son created a painting that became an inspiration for her Autism Awareness product line, Autism: God's Bright Kids. She also is publishing a book called "Angels in the Midst: Rising Above Autism and Aspergers," a collection of stories, poetry, videos, and artwork about how God uses ordinary people in the challenge of living with Autism and how He works in the midst of it. She is looking for submissions, sponsors, and nonprofits to give a portion of the revenue to.
Be sure to go to Dana's Pinterest board, Autism Stack of Stuff, to find the article she mentioned.
She also will do a virtual video tour of the command center on her AngelBlog so be sure to check that out!
Dana is the owner of AngelArts, a Creative Arts Agency and Publishing House. Seven years ago, she discovered that her son and husband both have Aspergers. It's opened up a whole new world for her and her family. Yes, there are incredible challenges, but she chooses to see how God has blessed her family through it.
Her son created a painting that became an inspiration for her Autism Awareness product line, Autism: God's Bright Kids. She also is publishing a book called "Angels in the Midst: Rising Above Autism and Aspergers," a collection of stories, poetry, videos, and artwork about how God uses ordinary people in the challenge of living with Autism and how He works in the midst of it. She is looking for submissions, sponsors, and nonprofits to give a portion of the revenue to.