Jun 29 2009
review by Joanna Clay

Birthed in the Big Apple in 2007, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart is comprised of Alex, Kip, Kurt and Peggy. The band name comes from an unpublished children’s story written by a friend of Kip, and the band notes musical influences such as Black Tambourine and My Bloody Valentine.
The melancholy melodies of the talented four-some are reminiscent of dream inducing sugar-pop of the 80s and 90s. Their Slumberland single, “Everything with You,” sounds like the lyrical love child of the Velvet Underground and the Pastels with its magnetically soft vocals and bouncy beat. The sadly hopeful lyrics read like a journal-torn pubescent ballad: "I’m with you and there’s nothing left to do/Tell me it’s true/ …and the starts are crashing through/ I want everything with you!”
Even if the themes may be youthful, the band is anything but immature with consistently solid tracks and stories that speak to souls of every shape and size.
Buy at Rhapsody
Everything With You (mp3)