May 07 2024 31 mins
In this episode, Bijan Mirtolooi helps us explore how the city of London is experiencing spiritual renewal and religious curiosity giving Christians an incredible opportunity to winsomely declare good news. In his work as a pastor of Reality Church London and The London Project, Bijan has an ardent desire to equip ministry leaders and everyday disciples to see their work as an integral part of their discipleship to Jesus. Yet also to understand that from the first pages of Scripture, God is one who always pairs work with rest and invites us to the same. Would we pray alongside him to see the Church in London steward this incredible moment in history for the city to rejoice because Jesus has been put on display through the unified witness of God’s people.
Resources related to this episode:
Learn more about Bijan’s church Reality Church London:
Learn more about The London Project:
Learn more about Gotham Fellowship:
Learn more about The Global Faith and Work Initiative:
Learn more about the Surge Network
Timestamps (Edited Timing)
00:00 Introduction
01:09 How Bijan and his family decided to move to London
4:40 Stories of how London is growing in openness to religion and spirituality
11:42 What is the London Project and how it is facilitating a faith and work movement
15:36 How Lesslie Newbigin in the 1970s encouraged churches to equip every member of their Church when it comes to their daily work
18:39 How Bijan has seen people live creatively and faithfully in their industries
22:14 How rest is integral to discipleship
28:50 Where do you see God uniquely put on display in London and how can we pray for London?
Resources related to this episode:
Learn more about Bijan’s church Reality Church London:
Learn more about The London Project:
Learn more about Gotham Fellowship:
Learn more about The Global Faith and Work Initiative:
Learn more about the Surge Network
Timestamps (Edited Timing)
00:00 Introduction
01:09 How Bijan and his family decided to move to London
4:40 Stories of how London is growing in openness to religion and spirituality
11:42 What is the London Project and how it is facilitating a faith and work movement
15:36 How Lesslie Newbigin in the 1970s encouraged churches to equip every member of their Church when it comes to their daily work
18:39 How Bijan has seen people live creatively and faithfully in their industries
22:14 How rest is integral to discipleship
28:50 Where do you see God uniquely put on display in London and how can we pray for London?