Episode XXX: Emma at last

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Sep 23 2019 26 mins   791

I want you to meet my good friend, Emma. When she was a little girl, she was just like my daughter. But no one knew her for 60 years. I'm so glad she's here now.

(Note: I recorded this interview early this year, when my daughter was still in elementary school. She just started middle school. Please stay tuned for an episode soon(ish) about that!)




“Dust in Sunlight,” “Frosted Glass,” “Boardwalk,” and “Clair_De Lune Solo Piano” by Podington Bear

"The Wah-Watusi" by The Orlons

“In the Garden (instrumental)” by Jetty Rae (Courtesy of Audiosocket)

“Like a Movie” by Nicole Reynolds (Courtesy of Audiosocket)