Jan 29 2025 75 mins
Almonds and pistachios are native to arid climates and are drought tolerant tree species. In California however, the high cost of production and land value pushes growers to maximize yields, which means trying to meet the full evaporative demand (though many growers apply much less water than this!)
This is not the strategy everywhere, however, even in other areas that also have high production costs. In this episode, Phoebe discusses almond production in the Iberian Penninsula with Sebastian Saa, pistachio production in Sicily with Giulia Marino, and pistachio production in Iran and Afghanistan with Louise Ferguson.
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San Joaquin Valley (scroll to the bottom)
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Thank you to the Almond, Pistachio, Prune, and Walnut Boards of California for their kind donations. Thank you to Muriel Gordon for the music.