Jan 23 2025 46 mins 7
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On this show, I play a song from Kevn Kinney; I don't like fiction audiobooks but I am planning on listening to the Patti Smith memoirs; good riddance to Facebook; Facebook is only good at the weak ties; I needed a connection to my high school friends and Reloadio; what happened to butterscotch? the Ohom charger base died of static electricity; I am experimenting with Haiku OS; I am sticking a toe in contributing code changes to Haiku OS; Illuminant provided an NNTP server way to interact with the fediverse; I love the concept and installing the project is really hard.
Here is the direct MP3 download for the Evil Genius Chronicles podcast, January 24 2025.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Support this show on Patreon
- Kevn Kinney page at the Drivin n Cryin official site
- Kevn Kinney and Pete Buck play "Macdougal Blues" live
- Rageboy aka Chris Locke
- Reloadio
- This mug charger died in less than a month
- Haiku OS
- Illuminant
- Auphonic podcast production tool is so good!
- Theme song provided by the Gentle Readers
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