So as the title indicates I’ve decided to bring the podcast to a close. This wasn’t an easy decision and one I have spent many, many months thinking about.
Essentially podcasting takes a lot of time, and I have less of it now then when I started. I’ve come to realise that my love of the show is being diminished by the workload on the podcast, and seriously the moment that this starts to feel like a job, then it’s time to get out. Plus the BBC do an amazing job of promoting the show online, something that most shows don’t do, something a podcast can normally fill a gap for; that gap just isn’t there.
Finally I want to discuss other shows, review other content, and as this podcast is tied to one show I can’t do that here. In the near future I plan to launch a new podcast which will give me that freedom, however I may occasionally air a BeingHumanCast bonus show; so keep subscribing…
This final episode wraps up reviewing the rest of S3 and the whole of S4. I’m joined again by the amazing Valerie who I’d like to thank for her support of the podcast over the years.
My final comments are to thank you the listeners, bizarrely enough this last episode was recorded exactly three years after the first episode aired. During this time there have been over 27,000 unique downloads of this podcast, which is amazing and all down to you that have supported us, so thank you….
Discussion: Season 3 and Season 4
Promo One: British Invaders
Promo Two: Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
The post BHC038 – That’s All Folks first appeared on Being Human Cast.