Mar 20 2021 42 mins 1
Spurred by the weird character arc of Tom Branson from Downton Abbey, we examine other characters who have the opposite of a glow up. We add Bron from Game of Thrones to this lit along with Brita from Community. We distinguish the difference between characters that have the opposite of a glow up and horrible adaptations. In the latter group we put Apocalypse from X-Men arguing that in the era of great villains like Thaons, Apocalypse was a big let down. We then disagree over Mortal Kombat. Diz thinks its a bad adaptation whereas Ali defends the unashamed cheesiness. We both agree the second Mortal Kombat was a war crime. We then talk about live actions. We talks about how not ever cartoon needs a live action. We don’t quite understand the plans for Cruella. We then discuss the changes planned for the live action Avatar the Last Airbender. We are skeptical about the Netflix plans. Finally we talk about how live actions are messing up storytelling plans by big production companies.