Jun 23 2024 43 mins 7
This week’s interview on RLA Radio features Karl Denninger. RLA host Dennis Tubbergen gets Denninger’s comments on the economy, medical system, and politics. They also discussed the current state of the economy and the stock market. Denninger compared the market’s refusal to decline despite bearish economic indicators to Pavlov’s dog experiment, suggesting that the market has been conditioned to expect government intervention in the form of credit emission whenever there’s an economic stumble. Denninger warned that this approach is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a collapse of civil society or the political system. He also criticized the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that the stimulus checks did not compensate for the inflation that resulted from the government’s spending. Denninger predicted that the economy is likely to enter a deflationary depression and warned of the potential for a civil war if the government continues its current policies.
Mr. Karl Denninger is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, author, and political activist, sometimes referred to as a founding member of the Tea Party movement. Mr. Denninger is the author of the book Leverage: How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World. In the book, Denninger presents an inside look at how moneyed and powerful interests debase the dollar through the willful and intentional failure to honestly represent short and long-term mathematical truths that underlie all economic systems.
For information about Karl Denninger please visit www.Market-Ticker.org. For more information about Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, please visit www.RetirementLifestyleAdvocates.com.