Nov 12 2019 56 mins
About BeeHero
"BeeHero maximizes crop yields through pollination. The company’s technology combines sophisticated machine learning algorithms with low-cost sensors to stimulate full output potential during peak pollination cycles. By tracking and optimizing pollination in real-time, BeeHero ensures hyper-efficient pollinators that can increase crop yields by 30% on average. Beehero’s platform already enables commercial growers to optimize crop-yield for 70% of major commercial crops. Based in California and operating globally, BeeHero manages the largest database of bees & pollination. The company has traction working with farmers and industry groups, including the largest association of almond growers in the world."
About: Learning with Lowell
Discover scientists and people - who you typically won't see in mainstream headlines - who are working every day to increase each of our health spans, fight diseases, and build a better world. In this show, I will interview world-class scientists, startup founders, CEOs, and science authors covering who they are, what they are working on, and what you can do to be doing the same. You'll hear laughs, passion, and a side of science you don't normally get. Stay tuned every Tuesday for new episodes!
Key links
Kickstarter pre-launch info link
* Sign up, share, it’s really easy
* How I built the Tesla of Honey Bee Hives
* Why Should You Care about Technology in Beekeeping?
* 40% of Honey Bees died last winter, This is what I am doing to help Bees Everywhere
* Technology In Beekeeping: What I am developing and seeking funding for
"BeeHero maximizes crop yields through pollination. The company’s technology combines sophisticated machine learning algorithms with low-cost sensors to stimulate full output potential during peak pollination cycles. By tracking and optimizing pollination in real-time, BeeHero ensures hyper-efficient pollinators that can increase crop yields by 30% on average. Beehero’s platform already enables commercial growers to optimize crop-yield for 70% of major commercial crops. Based in California and operating globally, BeeHero manages the largest database of bees & pollination. The company has traction working with farmers and industry groups, including the largest association of almond growers in the world."
About: Learning with Lowell
Discover scientists and people - who you typically won't see in mainstream headlines - who are working every day to increase each of our health spans, fight diseases, and build a better world. In this show, I will interview world-class scientists, startup founders, CEOs, and science authors covering who they are, what they are working on, and what you can do to be doing the same. You'll hear laughs, passion, and a side of science you don't normally get. Stay tuned every Tuesday for new episodes!
Key links
Kickstarter pre-launch info link
* Sign up, share, it’s really easy
* How I built the Tesla of Honey Bee Hives
* Why Should You Care about Technology in Beekeeping?
* 40% of Honey Bees died last winter, This is what I am doing to help Bees Everywhere
* Technology In Beekeeping: What I am developing and seeking funding for