Jan 11 2025 22 mins 1
I welcome you into the abundant blessings of Spirit and the limitless possibilities that are ready to greet us as we leap into the New Year. Reviewing the year we leave behind is a perfect time for prayer, to gladden our hearts by bringing into our awareness the true nature of human goodness. Toward that intention, our theme of the month is “The Nuts and Bolts of Our Teaching.”
A New Beginning is a golden opportunity to deepen our spiritual practice by choosing to embody and shine with invincible faith in Spirit and its laws, to express toward our global family extra love, compassion, generosity, and respect. In closing, I deeply thank you for the contribution of your consciousness to this Beloved Spiritual Community.
The January 12, 2025 topic is The Art of Life. Throughout the ages, awakened spiritual teachers have provided this wisdom for the true art of living: a conscious relationship with Spirit and living by its laws provides factual evidence that we are as much a part of Spirit now as we will ever be, that all that we seek is already right within us as the very essence of our being. Are you ready to live from this knowing?