Understanding our natural world: why languages matter

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Mar 09 2020 19 mins   11
What role do languages play in helping us understand and protect our natural world? Do the words we use when talking about our local flora and fauna matter? In this episode of LinguaMania, we explore the links between language and nature. There are many endangered languages around the world. If they are lost or go dormant, the heart and soul of many cultures and communities will be affected. But have you ever considered the impact the loss of a language might have on our natural world? In this episode of LinguaMania, Felice Wyndham, Karen Park and Andrew Gosler explore the links between language and nature. How can revitalizing linguistic diversity help also protect biodiversity? And why do the words we use when talking about our local flora and fauna matter? You can see the full transcript for this episode on the Creative Multilingualism website: https://www.creativeml.ox.ac.uk/linguamania-episode-2-understanding-our-natural-world-why-languages-matter