Jan 01 2024 30 mins 213
Fed up with being shut away in their room and with frustrations boiling over, June and Jennifer venture out in search of love and excitement. They’ve become obsessed with some American brothers and are determined to find them. June recounts how she and her sister started to turn against each other as they competed for the brothers’ affections, taking risks to impress the boys. When the brothers leave suddenly, the twins are bereft and take revenge on the world, with disastrous consequences.
Narrator: Linda Mitchell
Producer: Beccy Leach
Assistant Producer: Jessica Gunasekara
Sound design: Cathy Robinson
Executive producer: Karen Voisey
Voice director: John Norton
Original title music: Kizzy Crawford
Voice of young June: Bethan Mary-James
Voice of young Jennifer: Olivia Forrest
Production manager: Andrea Deere
With thanks to Marjorie Wallace