Nov 06 2024 28 mins 187
In this new series of the Law Show, Dr Joelle Grogan and guests look at the legislation that affects your life.
One of the flagship pieces of legislation for the Labour Government is the Renters' Rights Bill - scrapping no-fault evictions, and imposing new obligations and penalties on rogue landlords. How will it benefit tenants and affect landlords?
Also on the programme: a raft of new laws are coming into effect this autumn, but who decides when a law becomes active or is enforceable?
And family law solicitor Tracey Moloney joins us to look at an aspect of divorce that fills many people with dread: the division of assets. Can your ex claim against property you brought into the marriage? Can they claim your pension? And how can the answers to those questions differ, dependent upon where you live in the UK?
Presenter: Dr Joelle Grogan
Producers: Ravi Naik and Arlene Gregorius
Editor: Tara McDermott
Production Coordinator: Maria Ogundele
Dr Sam Fowles, author and barrister at Cornerstone Barristers
Tracey Moloney, from Moloney Family Law, also known as the Legal Queen on social media
Dr Christy Burzio, barrister at Tanfield Chambers
Sarah Taylor, partner at Excello Law in Bristol