Jan 08 2025 29 mins 34
Owen Tooth is the first wheelchair user to direct EastEnders — he's already handled his first "duff duff" moment and is due on set for a string of episodes in early 2025.
But he says he moved into TV after his film career collapsed when he became a wheelchair user and people acted as if he was “invisible”.
Also on the programme, millions of people rent properties and yet nearly half of private landlords in England say they would be “unwilling” to rent to tenants who require adaptations to be made to the property.
More than 9,000 people answered the English Private Landlords Survey - with 47% saying they would be reluctant to provide adaptations.
Sam Lewis, who lives in privately rented accommodation in London and has Crohn’s Disease and rheumatoid arthritis, shares her experience of asking numerous landlords to make their properties more accessible for her.
We also hear from Paul Smith, Director of Foundations, the public body advising prospective tenants who require adaptations and the agencies who provide them. He also has some advice if you’re about to begin the process of requesting adaptations yourself.
Presenter: Emma Tracey
Produced by: Daniel Gordon, Alex Collins
Recorded and mixed by Dave O’Neill
Edited by Beth Rose and Farhana Haider