Mar 21 2025 13 mins 527
Rex is still uncomfortable with the idea of being paid to play cricket, and even more so when Lily confirms there’ll be another player getting money too. He thinks it’s all very dodgy; if it’s not, why are they having to keep quiet about it? Tom interrupts them and Lily covers, expressing her optimism for the season ahead. Tom agrees; if nets is anything to go by everyone’s sharp and focused on improving. Martyn Gibson arrives and accuses Rex of being involved in the imminent bellringing protest against the water company. Bemused Rex denies any involvement. Lily gets back to business. She runs her intended team talk past Rex and Tom. She’ll announce a change to Harrison’s previous ‘playing for fun’ approach, and make clear that nets will be compulsory – miss two sessions and you’re off the team. Later Tom and Rex agree this is all a bit strong. Lily clearly doesn’t understand people’s commitments and motives for playing.
As they prepare for the ringing Neil shares with Alan his ongoing sadness that George still refuses to see him or Susan. Alan sympathises. They look forward to the arrival of the bellringing teams, but Emma surprises them by bringing people for a ring-along. They have assorted small bells they’ll ring in support. It was Akram’s suggestion, and Emma’s happy to be involved. If she loses her place on the parish council, so be it. Angry Martyn interrupts proceedings, and issues a veiled threat to Neil’s job. Defiant Emma challenges his attitude, galvanising the crowd, and the rousing ring continues.