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Mar 25 2025 13 mins   35

Lynda wonders to Robert whether she should pay Khalil to feed and walk the llamas. She wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t become a vet. As they approach the paddock they notice Constanza is lying down. To their horror they realised she’s died. They call Alistair to her, and he explains she had bloat. It would have happened very quickly. Lynda’s sad but tries hard to be philosophical; Constanza had a lovely life. At that moment Khalil arrives and is devastated. He’s convinced he must have fed Constanza something she couldn’t eat. Alistair reassures him, but he struggles. He asks what will happen to her and whether there’ll be a funeral. Alistair’s explanations do little to console Khalil and he leaves, distraught. Lynda’s concerned for him.
Joy and Mick are finishing off the cleaning at Home Farm as they prepare to leave the house. Joy can see that it must have been a wrench for Brian and Jennifer to relinquish the the farmhouse, but much as she’s enjoyed her stay she wouldn’t swap it for her Beechwood home. When they get to Joy’s house they’re relieved and delighted to find it’s been refurbished beautifully. However they soon discover Rochelle’s back; she’s used the spare key. Joy asks why she left so suddenly. Rochelle obfuscates. They catch her up on village events, and she wonders whether she might stay with them at Beechwood for a bit. She’s had to move out of her house share. Of course, effuses Joy. It’s lovely to have her back.