ACP#55 Wonder Boy, BATTLEGROUNDS, Amonkhet

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May 12 2017

This week we talk about Wonderboy, PLayer Unknown’s Battlegrounds, upcomming movies, and Magic’s new set Amonkhet.


6:00 Twitch anorak cafe

Wonder boy

13:30 PlayerUnknown’s BATTLEGROUNDS

35:20 No Clip

41:10 Alien:Covenant movie hype

48:20 What will be the fate of the marvel universe

49:00 Thanos is going to suck (sealed envelope -Nam)

53:00 shot by shot of the Thanos fight in the extended cinematic universe

57:20 Film news round up

“Your name”

“Ghost in the Shell”

59:00 boot legging

1:02:30 current movie theater experiences

1:06:15 Anomalisa

1:15:45 Sims mods

1:17:50 Amonkhet Magic set Draft results

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