Feb 22 2023 63 mins 3
Daniel Lorang is the Head of Performance and Head Coach at , Professional Cycling Team, and Lead Endurance Coach Sports Scientist. In 2019 Dan became the first coach to have ever coached both the male and female winners, in the same year, at the Kona World Ironman Triathlon Championships with Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug respectively. Alongside Jan and Annie, Dan is also the coach of Lucy Charles Barclay. Show Sponsor: POGO Physio Telehealth Consultations believe that everyone deserves access to complete and remarkable physiotherapy services. Our goal is to get you back to your Physical Best. Find out more about telehealth consultations and . Join the If you enjoyed this episode of The Physical Performance Show please hit SUBSCRIBE for to ensure you are one of the first to future episodes. Jump over to for more details. Follow @Brad_Beer & The Physical Performance Show: Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter (@tppshow1) Please direct any questions, comments, and feedback to the above social media handles.