tony litster joins wes today in which we need to learn to love ourselves first and foremost. in order to avoid self-sabotage during this process, we need to shift the mindset from “if you really knew me you wouldn’t like me” to “the real me is awesome!” instead of focusing on the darkness within, we need to recognize the light.
when we learn to love ourselves, we can share our authentic selves with others and make change for the better. according to tony, there’s a difference between intensity vs love. in regards to porn and sex, it becomes an addiction of adrenaline, no longer making a fulfilling love connection. the more we intentionally connect experiences with someone we love, we shift the addiction that porn creates into something good that we then crave. we get back to the natural laws that are self-evident in which are bodies simply tell us by how good we feel, and it just makes sense (like gravity). you chose the story, but then you take action; you start with self-love, learning to accept yourself with the shadow. make an allowance for the humanity and realize that we’re all human.
links to check out:
- beach prophet’s 7 irrefutable laws with tony litster
- huffington post article on the root’s of addiction
- A HUMAN PROJECT podcast about how to teach sex to youth
- A HUMAN PROJECT podcast on addiction recovery
- wayne dyer inspirational quotes
- tony lister’s cure the craving site
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