Feb 16 2014 48 mins 1
Cinematographer Barry Braverman talks about his work with Wes Anderson, his worldwide video workshops, and the new edition of his book Video Shooter.
This interview serves as a nice primer for the next episode of Electric Shadow, which focuses on Anderson's career in general, but specifically, Fantastic Mr. Fox.
- Barry loves the work of Vittorio de Sica, espcially Bicycle Thieves, aka The Bicycle Thief aka Ladri di biciclette and Umberto D
- Barry has been with Wes Anderson since Bottle Rocket, and Braverman's short film Murieta Cycles appears on the Criterion Blu-ray.
- Barry's book Video Shooter is pretty great, and much better in myriad ways than other books that intend to get people into shooting video.
- One of "Wes' Gang", the great Kumar Pallana, recently passed. Anderson's dedication and loyalty to his co-conspirators in film deserves praise.