Feb 20 2025 114 mins
Music is a way for us all to get together, we have come to funk your mind!!!
Thank you for tuning in & be sure to GIVE US A ‘LIKE’ ON FaceBook—> www.facebook.com/AOTARadio
You can tune in LIVE every Sunday from 12AM – 4AM PST with your host Django and DJ Ben Vera (@BenVeraOfficial), your tour guides through this cloud drift in your mind.
90.7FM Los Angeles – 98.7FM Santa Barbara – 93.7FM San Diego – 99.5FM Ridgecrest/ China Lake
LIVE online at: www.KPFK.org
Order the AOTA Radio compilation album NOW on Bandcamp at benveraofficial.bandcamp.com
Merchandise now available on our Etsy store at shorturl.at/mqrE2