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The Storify collection of all episode links:
Emily’s 2008 Interview with Sir Terry Pratchett: http://www.sfrevu.com/php/Review-id.php?id=9475
Neil Gaiman: “Terry Pratchett isn’t jolly. He’s angry.” http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/sep/24/terry-pratchett-angry-not-jolly-neil-gaiman
Emily S. Whitten: Terry Pratchett: Shaking Hands With Death: http://www.comicmix.com/2015/03/17/emily-s-whitten-terry-pratchett-shaking-hands-with-death/
Emily’s BBC interview about Terry (at 5 minutes from the end): http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b054p0f6
Emily S. Whitten: The Con-Runner’s Guide To the Galaxy: http://www.comicmix.com/2014/07/22/emily-s-whitten-the-con-runners-guide-to-the-galaxy/
Emily S. Whitten: ComicCon Prep 101: http://www.comicmix.com/2014/06/24/emily-s-whitten-comiccon-prep-101/
Storify of Cleo’s tweets during the convention
Cleo’s Great Red Dragon Con Tumblr tag, including pictures of cosplayers Cleo shamelessly accosted: http://cleolinda.tumblr.com/tagged/THE-GREAT-RED-DRAGON-CON
Dragon Con convention map: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/cleolinda/1427760/708481/708481_800.png
Cleo’s flower crowns: http://cleolinda.tumblr.com/post/95427673599/the-ginger-blossom-crowns-on-their-way-to-their
A view from Cleo’s table in the Not-Comics and Pop Art Show in Grand Hall East West WTF
Opening/closing music: “Starting Point” by Jahzzar; used with permission. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Onus/Starting_Point_master
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