Apr 04 2024 53 mins
Part I of a two-part show on Vermont and incarceration. Hosts Chris and Anna spend the hour with Jonathan Elwell, organizer with the FreeHerVT campaign. In Part I, Jonathan speaks with us about the purpose of prisons, the history of incarceration and surveillance in Vermont, and the criminalization of the poor.
Part II will air next week and will focus on the FreeHerVT campaign with Jayna Ahsaf and Jonathan.
1) Tom Waits: "Fish in the Jailhouse"
2) Warren Zevon: "Prison Grove"
3) Felice Brothers: "Rockafeller Drug Laws"
4) Public Enemy: "Black Steel"
Photo: VT State Prison, Windsor 1907
show notes:
FreeHer: https://www.freehercampaign.org/vermont
FreeHer zine
Tip of the Spear - Orisanmi Burton
Golden Gulag - Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Part II will air next week and will focus on the FreeHerVT campaign with Jayna Ahsaf and Jonathan.
1) Tom Waits: "Fish in the Jailhouse"
2) Warren Zevon: "Prison Grove"
3) Felice Brothers: "Rockafeller Drug Laws"
4) Public Enemy: "Black Steel"
Photo: VT State Prison, Windsor 1907
show notes:
FreeHer: https://www.freehercampaign.org/vermont
FreeHer zine
Tip of the Spear - Orisanmi Burton
Golden Gulag - Ruth Wilson Gilmore