The title of today’s contemplation “our original face is always changing” comes from the story of the sixth ancestor, Eno, retold in case 23 of The Gateless Barrier collection of koans:
“Don’t think good, don’t think evil. At this very moment, what is the original face of Ming the head monk?”
“What is your original face before your parents were born?”
In other words, just sit and your original face immediately appears.
Finally, we could say our world self is also embedded in the great Cosmos. We could say -
We are the Cosmos, experiencing itself in human form.
“Don’t think good, don’t think evil. At this very moment, what is the original face of Ming the head monk?”
“What is your original face before your parents were born?”
In other words, just sit and your original face immediately appears.
Finally, we could say our world self is also embedded in the great Cosmos. We could say -
We are the Cosmos, experiencing itself in human form.