Bliadhna Mhath Ùr

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Dec 18 2024 1 mins  

Haidh a charaid, dè tha dol?

Tha sinn an dòchas gun robh fìor dheagh latha na Nollaig agad! An do dh’ith thu tòrr seòclaid is ‘chipolatas’? Chòrd an saor-là rinn gu mòr, ach tha fios againn gum feum sinn gluasad uaireigin! A-nis, tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri Oidhche Challainn. Bidh fios agad gur e oidhche uabhasach fhèin mòr a tha seo ann an Alba, agus bidh sinn an-còmhnaidh ga dhèanamh ann an stoidhle. Saoil am bi thu a’ coimhead nan cleasan-teine anns a' bhaile agad fhèin, no air an telebhisean?

Tha sinn cinnteach gu bheil sinn uile air smaoineachadh air rùintean na Bliadhn’ Ùire uair no uaireigin, nach eil? ’S dòcha gun robh thu airson cur-seachad ùr a thogail, no barrachd airgid a shàbhaladh. Chan eil e furasta cumail suas le na rùintean, a bheil? Ach, tha e fada nas fhasa nuair a tha coimhearsnachd agad a tha gan dèanamh còmhla riut!

Tha sinn uabhasach fhèin fortanach gu bheil coimhearsnachd gu math làidir aig an dà chuid SpeakGaelic is LearnGaelic. Ma tha thu stuicte airson rùn, carson nach ionnsaich thu Gàidhlig le na goireasan seo?

LearnGaelic - Tha measgachadh de ghoireasan againn aig diofar ìrean.

SpeakGaelic – ’S urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt air a’ chùrsa air-loidhne, prògram telebhisein agus pod-chraolaidhean.

’S urrainn dhut brosnachadh fhaighinn bho luchd-ionnsachaidh eile, is brosnachadh a thoirt seachad cuideachd. Agus ma tha ceistean sam bith agad – èigh!

Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi bliadhna air leth air thoiseach oirbh, bliadhna a bhios làn spòrs is soirbheachai s!

Bho do charaidean aig sgioba LearnGaelic, Bliadhna Mhath Ùr air neo Bliadhna Ùr Mhath!


Hi pal, how’s it going?

We hope you had a great Christmas day! Did you eat lots of chocolate and chipolatas? We really enjoyed the holiday but know that we have to move sometime! Now, we’re looking forward to Hogmanay. You’ll know that this is a very big night in Scotland, and that we always do it in style. Will you be watching the fireworks in your own town, or will you be watching the on the television?

We’re sure that we’ve all thought of New Year’s resolutions one time or another, haven’t we? Maybe you want to pick up a new hobby, or save more money. It’s not easy to stick to the resolutions, is it? But, it’s far easier when you have a community that’s doing them with you!

We’re very fortunate that SpeakGaelic and LearnGaelic both have strong communities. If you're stuck for a resolution, why not decide to learn Gaelic with these resources?

LearnGaelic - We have a mix of resources for learners of different ability levels.

SpeakGaelic – You can have a look at the online course, television programme and podcasts.

You can get motivation from other learners, and encourage others too! And if you have any questions – shout!

We hope that you have a great year ahead of you, a year that’s full of fun and success!

From your friends at LearnGaelic, Happy New Year!