Anxiety, Violence, Opportunity, and More in Process Hacker News from Hack the Process Podcast
Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This episode we’ve got anxiety, violence, opportunity, and more.
For all the links, check out the show notes:
The Global Coworking Diaries is a project put together by Alex Hillman and Kali Norman, interviewing community leaders around the world about how the current health crisis has affected coworking.
The pandemic has created a lot of disruption in our lives, but Andrew Nance wants to help ease your anxiety with some mindful breathing exercises.
How did Maria Dismondy become a children’s book author? Find out in her new interview on the Coach Azul Podcast.
Join Rhonda Magee and Dan Harris on Ten Percent Happier as they teach you to meditate and stop toxic tendencies..
Despite the current economic uncertainty, it’s still a good time to build your business from scratch. Tune in to Tom Morkes’s conversation with Jovana Miljanovic to lean how.
The Innovator’s Spirit, a new book by Chuck Swoboda just came out, and it’s already a bestseller, reaching number one among Amazon’s new release books! Congratulations, Chuck!
In light of ongoing police violence against the Black community in the United States, Michelle Kim suggests twenty actions Asian Americans can take to show allyship.
As a business owner, Zvi Band‘s latest article talks about the value of being transparent to your team and your stakeholders.
A new blog post by Safi Bahcall features Michael Farzan, the Scripps Research virologist who worked on SARS, who mentions how Covid-19 is a dumb virus compared to HIV and Influenza.
Recommended Resources
Many people are having a hard time with their finances while sheltering in place. In an interview with Today, Ramit Sethi, a personal finance pro referenced by Maneesh Sethi, proposes ways to manage bills and credit card fees through strategic planning and negotiation.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff is the topic of an article in Business Insider because he took a 90-day no lay-off pledge and is urging other CEOs to help their employees through the coronavirus by doing the same. Marc was one of the folks mentioned by Tiffani Bova in her interview.
As we adapt to life during and after the pandemic, we have the opportunity now to prepare for a better future by prioritizing justice, diversity, and inclusion. Tiffany Jana, mentioned during the interview with Joy Wiggins and Kami Anderson, issues a call for us to focus on equity in her blog post.
Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.
Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This episode we’ve got anxiety, violence, opportunity, and more.
For all the links, check out the show notes:
The Global Coworking Diaries is a project put together by Alex Hillman and Kali Norman, interviewing community leaders around the world about how the current health crisis has affected coworking.
The pandemic has created a lot of disruption in our lives, but Andrew Nance wants to help ease your anxiety with some mindful breathing exercises.
How did Maria Dismondy become a children’s book author? Find out in her new interview on the Coach Azul Podcast.
Join Rhonda Magee and Dan Harris on Ten Percent Happier as they teach you to meditate and stop toxic tendencies..
Despite the current economic uncertainty, it’s still a good time to build your business from scratch. Tune in to Tom Morkes’s conversation with Jovana Miljanovic to lean how.
The Innovator’s Spirit, a new book by Chuck Swoboda just came out, and it’s already a bestseller, reaching number one among Amazon’s new release books! Congratulations, Chuck!
In light of ongoing police violence against the Black community in the United States, Michelle Kim suggests twenty actions Asian Americans can take to show allyship.
As a business owner, Zvi Band‘s latest article talks about the value of being transparent to your team and your stakeholders.
A new blog post by Safi Bahcall features Michael Farzan, the Scripps Research virologist who worked on SARS, who mentions how Covid-19 is a dumb virus compared to HIV and Influenza.
Recommended Resources
Many people are having a hard time with their finances while sheltering in place. In an interview with Today, Ramit Sethi, a personal finance pro referenced by Maneesh Sethi, proposes ways to manage bills and credit card fees through strategic planning and negotiation.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff is the topic of an article in Business Insider because he took a 90-day no lay-off pledge and is urging other CEOs to help their employees through the coronavirus by doing the same. Marc was one of the folks mentioned by Tiffani Bova in her interview.
As we adapt to life during and after the pandemic, we have the opportunity now to prepare for a better future by prioritizing justice, diversity, and inclusion. Tiffany Jana, mentioned during the interview with Joy Wiggins and Kami Anderson, issues a call for us to focus on equity in her blog post.
Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.